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Dog Training Methods

Professional and Certified Obedience and Behaviour Dog Training in Edmonton and Surrounding Areas

Dog Training Methods

Our Leash Team dog trainers will train your dog with a variety of force-free dog training methods. Each dog is different in personality and temperament and we adjust our training methods to best suit your dog, your goals, and your personal preferences. Here are some popular and widely accepted dog training methods that we use:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: This method focuses on rewarding desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted behaviors. It involves using treats, praise, and other rewards to reinforce good behavior, which encourages the dog to repeat those behaviors. Positive reinforcement is generally considered the most humane and effective training method.

  2. Clicker Training: Clicker training is a form of positive reinforcement training that utilizes a small handheld device called a clicker. The clicker makes a distinct sound that marks the exact moment the dog performs a desired behavior correctly. The sound is then followed by a reward, typically a treat. The clicker helps to communicate to the dog which behavior is being reinforced.

  3. Relationship-Based Training: This method emphasizes building a strong bond and positive relationship between the dog and the owner. It focuses on understanding and meeting the dog's needs, using clear communication, and establishing trust. Relationship-based training often incorporates positive reinforcement techniques and can include activities like play, socialization, and exercise.

  4. Reward-Based Training: Similar to positive reinforcement, reward-based training involves providing rewards such as treats, praise, or play to reinforce desired behaviors. It encourages the dog to associate good behavior with positive outcomes and motivates them to repeat those behaviors.

  5. Clickerless Training: This approach is based on positive reinforcement but doesn't use a clicker. Instead, it relies on verbal cues, hand signals, or other markers to indicate desired behavior, followed by a reward. Clickerless training can be effective if you prefer not to use a clicker or if your dog is sensitive to the sound.

  6. Scientific Training Methods: Here we employ scientifically-based training methods backed by research on canine behavior and learning theory. These methods focus on understanding the dog's cognitive processes and using evidence-based techniques to modify behavior effectively. Positive reinforcement-based approaches often fall into this category.

The Leash team dog trainers do not use any aversive training methods, which involve punishment or physical corrections. These tactics are not recommended as they can be harmful and may damage the trust and bond between you and your dog.

Remember, consistency, patience, and understanding are key to successful dog training. Consider consulting with one of our professional dog trainers who can assess your dog's needs and help you choose the most suitable training method for your specific situation.

If you're looking for more puppy and dog training methods and techniques check out our dog training and dog walking blog articles.



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The Happiest dog walks in Edmonton.

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How Dogs Make us Better Humans

Tails of Unconditional Love

This book is a passion project brought to life during the deep dark days of Covid-19. The idea was inspired by the author’s work in leadership and her love of dogs. These two different worlds and two different passions are combined to create 16 very informal and whimsical stories about what dogs can teach us. The themes that come to light circle around unconditional love, self-leadership, and how to be better humans. The tales are heartwarming and real. The messages reveal how our canine friends help us grow in the big and small moments of our lives if we are present and willing to listen. It begs the questions, What is a dog's purpose? and Are we really present to the world around us?


Available now on Amazon
