Our Training Packages

We create specialized training packages to meet your dog's needs and temperament.

Our Training Packages

We're proud to offer a variety of specialized puppy and dog training packages to meet the needs of you and your dog.

Our certified and professional dog trainers are experienced in working with all types of dog breeds, temperaments, personalities, and issues. You can check out our dog training methods here.

We provide top-notch private dog training. Why do we offer only private dog training?

Private dog training offers several benefits over group training or self-guided training methods. Here are some advantages of private dog training:

  1. Personalized Attention: Private dog training allows for one-on-one interaction between the trainer and your dog. The trainer can focus solely on your dog's individual needs, temperament, and specific training goals. This personalized attention enables a more tailored training approach, ensuring better results.

  2. Customized Training Plan: Private trainers can create a training plan specifically designed for your dog. They can assess your dog's behavior, identify any issues or challenges, and develop a training program that addresses those specific areas. This personalized approach can be highly effective in achieving desired behavioral changes.

  3. Flexibility: Private training offers flexibility in terms of scheduling. You can arrange training sessions at a time that suits your convenience, making it easier to fit training into your busy schedule. Additionally, you can focus on specific areas or skills that you want to work on, rather than following a predetermined curriculum.

  4. Reduced Distractions: In a private training setting, there are fewer distractions compared to group training classes. This allows your dog to focus better on the training exercises and commands. With reduced distractions, your dog is more likely to grasp the concepts quickly and progress faster in their training.

  5. Individualized Problem Solving: If your dog has specific behavioral issues or challenges, private training provides an opportunity to address them in a controlled environment. The trainer can observe and analyze your dog's behavior closely, identify the root causes of the problems, and work on effective solutions. This individualized problem-solving approach can be particularly beneficial for dogs with aggression, fear, or anxiety issues.

  6. Trainer Expertise: Private trainers often have extensive experience and expertise in dog training and behavior modification. They stay up to date with the latest training methods and techniques, allowing them to tailor their approach to your dog's specific needs. Their knowledge and skills can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the training process.

  7. Bonding and Trust Building: Private training sessions provide an excellent opportunity for you and your dog to strengthen your bond and build trust. With a dedicated trainer's guidance, you can learn how to effectively communicate and understand your dog's behavior. This enhanced connection between you and your dog can result in a more cooperative and well-behaved pet.

While private dog training may involve higher costs compared to group classes, the individual attention, customized approach, and tailored solutions make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking effective and personalized training for their dogs.



Our Dog Training Packages

One on One Dog Behavior Modification Training. Detailed descriptions follow.

1 hour training session $175
Puppy Training Package (3 one hour sessions) $450
Package of 3 one hour training sessions $450
Walk’N’Train 30 minute Session $100
Walk’N’Train Package of 6 30 minute sessions $550
Socialization Walks Package of 6 one hour Sessions $575
*GST not included in all of the prices above.  



Puppy Training Series 

$450 plus GST

Puppies go through what is called the critical socialization period between 3 and 12 weeks. This is when they start developing fear and is characterized by single-event learning, meaning that even just one negative experience can have a lifelong impact, whereas setting up positive socialization experiences will ensure your pup grows into a confident adult!

It's never too early to reach out to one of our professional trainers on how to successfully socialize your puppy and get started on teaching some basic fundamental behaviors like sit, come, stay among others.

This package consists of 3 one hour sessions that you can schedule with one of our trainers at your own pace and convenience. Each session consists of information about puppy behavior and important training concepts as well as a set of essential behaviors and training games. However, because the sessions are private, they are flexible and can be modified to help you deal with specific issues you are having with your pup. Our trainers also offer ongoing support via text or email if you have questions in between sessions as well as providing homework to help structure your training throughout the week.



Basic Training Series

$450 plus GST

3 one hour sessions that you can conveniently schedule with one of our trainers whenever best works for you! Each session teaches you and your dog the skills and behaviors necessary to become model citizens and great representatives of the canine community as well as improve your relationship and communication!

Some of the things you will learn include: sit, down, stay, come, drop it, leave it, heel as well as impulse control and attention games that build engagement between you and your dog.

The sessions can be tailored to help you deal with specific issues you and your dog are having and our trainers offer ongoing support via text or email if you have questions in between sessions as well as providing homework to help structure your training throughout the week.

Dogs must be 6 months and older by class start and vaccinations must be up to date. Remember, at 6 months, puppies are entering the adolescence stage which is the most difficult stage to start training at!



Specific Behaviour Issues 

$175 plus GST

Our 1-hour in-home behavior consultation will provide you and your family with the resources and a personalized plan to deal with any issues you may be having, such as:

Reactivity (to other dogs, people, moving vehicles), Jumping, Resource Guarding, Fear and/or Anxiety, Barking, Crate Training, Recall, Loose Leash Walking.




$550 plus GST for six 40-minute sessions or $100 plus GST for one 30-minute session.

Our Walk' N' Train sessions could be a good option for you if you need your dog trained but just don't have the time to really dedicate to it or if you feel more comfortable having a professional lay the groundwork for the behaviors and then take it up yourself once they have been shaped.

Our 40-minute Walk'N'Train sessions are either in your home or on a leash around the neighborhood, depending on what behaviors you would like your dog to learn. You can choose to be present or not and will receive session notes by email as well as recommendations on how to continue training on your own.



Socialization Walks 

$575 plus GST for Six 1 hour sessions

If your pup is already walking with us, but having issues with overarousal and rough play that turns aggressive, socialization walks are designed specifically to teach dogs to self-regulate and engage in proper play without fighting. Contact us for more detailed information about how socialization walks work.



Sign Up To Start Your Training!


If you are new to the Leash Team click "New Client Information Form", complete the form, review it, and hit submit. We'll contact you to schedule a free phone consultation and go over the details of your situation and your dog training needs.


Many of our trained dogs join our dog walking services to get used to socializing with other dogs, learn to walk off-leash and follow commands, and to also be trained and educated by older and experienced dogs on how to behave. Learn more about our dog walking and our dog walking rates.



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The Happiest dog walks in Edmonton.

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